- Вијчани ваздушни компресор са убризгавањем уља
- Ваздушни компресор без уља
- Текстилна индустрија (врућа продаја)
- Серија центрифугалних ваздушних компресора
- Опрема за сушење и филтере
- Резервоар за пријемник ваздуха
- Генератор азота и кисеоника
- 16Бар,20Бар,30Бар Вијчани ваздушни компресор
- Аир Енд високе ефикасности
Карактеристике и предности
■ E cient and energy-saving: replace oil with water to realize the four major functions of lubrication, cooling, sealing and noise reduction.
■ 100% oil-free, providing a better reliable oil-free compressed air solution.
■ Green and environmental protection: the compressor uses pure water lubrication of drinking water standard.
■ It has the advantages of compact structure and less back-end auxiliary equipment.
■ More energy-saving and high initial e ciency, which solves the shortcomings of reduced wear e ciency of single-screw star wheels on the market.
■ Углађен рад и низак ниво буке (60дБ).
■ Low maintenance cost: only need to replace basic consumables such as water lter, air lter and puri ed water.
■ The cooling system adopts the exhaust air type design, the heat dissipation is more uniform, and the heat dissipation performance is better.
■ Коришћење погона за конверзију фреквенције, глатко покретање, уштеда енергије.
■ Директни погонски ланац смањује губитак енергије.
■ Мотор хлађен водом, мање буке, боље одвођење топлоте
1.With the fth generation of oil-free screw airend technology. The compressor airend and system adopt stainless steel alloy, thus the technological transcendence from the copper airend to the stainless steel airend is realized.
2.The function of automatic water exchange and automatic system cleaning can be realized, and the interior of the compressor is more clean and sanitary.
3.The airend patent optimized design, large rotor,low rotary speed,without gearbox,direct drive,it has lower rotary speed and longer life compared with dry oil-free вијак ваздушни компресор.
4. Less maintenance consumables (air lter, water lter), easy maintenance, no professional sta is required to operate it, and less maintenance costs.
5. The full intelligent CNC precise machining technology keeps the airend working smoothly, which can ensure lower noise, smaller vibration, and longer service life.
6.Averagely more than 10% air delivery is generated for the same power of water lubricating вијчани ваздушни компресори than the same power dry type oil-free screw компресор за ваздух.
primena polje
■ Прехрамбена индустрија, као што су транспорт, ллинг, паковање и други процеси.
■ In the eld of medicine, gas used in pharmaceuticals, vaccines, etc., especially in hospitals.
■ In the textile industry, compressed air a ects the quality and hygiene of the fabric.
■ High-precision instrument industry, chip manufacturing and other process requirements.
■ Лабораторијске примене, аналитичка испитивања, хемијска испитивања итд.
Технички параметри
модел | рад притисак | ФАД m³/ мин | снага KW | вода количина | Л * В * Х mm | тежина |
СВВЦ-06А/В | 0.8 | 0.3-0.78 | 5.5 | 10 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 460 |
1 | 0.2-0.65 | |||||
СВВЦ-08А/В | 0.8 | 0.35-1.15 | 7.5 | 10 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 510 |
1 | 0.3-1.02 | |||||
1.25 | 0.24-0.81 | |||||
СВВЦ-11А/В | 0.8 | 0.54-1.55 | 11 | 26 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 620 |
1 | 0.45-1.32 | |||||
1.25 | 0.35-1.01 | |||||
СВВЦ-15А/В | 0.8 | 0.75-2.30 | 15 | 26 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 670 |
1 | 0.65-2.12 | |||||
1.25 | 0.6-1.60 | |||||
СВВЦ-18А/В | 0.8 | 0.9-3.10 | 18.5 | 30 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 730 |
1 | 0.9-2.62 | |||||
1.25 | 0.6-2.10 | |||||
СВВЦ-22А/В | 0.8 | 1.1-3.42 | 22 | 30 | КСНУМКСКСКСНУМКСКСКСНУМКС | 780 |
1 | 0.97-3.15 | |||||
1.25 | 0.85-2.62 | |||||
СВВЦ-30А/В | 0.8 | 1.55-5.05 | 30 | 40 | 1550Кс1150Кс- | 1150 |
1 | 1.26-4.20 | КСНУМКС (А) | ||||
1.25 | 1.10-3.18 | 1500Кс1150Кс- | ||||
КСНУМКС (В) | ||||||
СВВЦ-37А/В | 0.8 | 1.91-6.10 | 37 | 40 | 1550Кс1150Кс- | 1200 |
1 | 1.60-5.25 | КСНУМКС (А) | ||||
1.25 | 1.42-4.85 | 1500Кс1150Кс- | ||||
КСНУМКС (В) | ||||||
СВВЦ-45А/В | 0.8 | 2.50-7.60 | 45 | 90 | 1980Кс1300Кс- | 1490 |
1 | 1.91-6.15 | КСНУМКС (А) | ||||
1.25 | 1.70-5.65 | 1800Кс1300Кс- | ||||
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